

Documents for work

Before you apply for job, you will need the following documents to be collected.

This is how you can apply for all the necessary documents to work in Hungary

Before the job application

Temporary protection status certificate
Place of residence (optional)
Tax registration card
  • Go to the local Tax Authority office
  • Apply for a tax registration number
  • Take the temporary protection status certificate and other personal documents (if possible) with you
  • You will receive a certificate first and a card later via mail at your place of residence

After you are hired

Social Security Number (TAJ number)


Ask your employer if they apply for your TAJ number directly online. If they do, the company will receive the TAJ number. (You can get your TAJ number later from your employer upon a request.)


Unfortunately, sometimes you would need to ask your TAJ number yourself. We will be here to help you if you need guidance.

You should follow three steps:

  • Request 3 documents from your employer: a Request form (Igénylőlap), an Order form (Megrendelő lap), and an Authorization (Meghatalmazás).
  • Take with you the following documents: request form, authorization and temporary protection status certificate.
  • Go to one of the NEAK (previously OEP) offices

Preapration for job application

Tips & tricks on how you can prepare for the job application

We know it might be challenging to start a process like this. Here you can find the most important things to pay attention to.


Application and interview

We will help you find a job in Hungary


We will be with you throughout the process, we will prepare you for the interview, and you can rely on the help of one of our mentors.

Preparation for the interview

In this first stage, you will need to be mindful of the job application process , you should prepare an answer for the usual interview questions and also it’s very important that you pay attention to the basic rules of interviewing .

Mentor help

You may ask for our mentor’s help at any stage of the process. Also, to make things easier and fair, you can ask for an for an interpreter the interview.


Work-related support

You will not be alone at any moment. We will support you after you started your job.